Fed Up with COVID-19 Lockdowns, Dutch Citizens take to the Streets

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Last Updated Jan 26th, 2021 at 1:23 pmAnti-lockdown demonstrators in the Netherlands have taken to the streets in increasingly violent protests.

While U.S. states continue easing COVID-19 restrictions, several European countries are imposing new rounds of curfews and constraints.

In the Netherlands, the government has issued a mandatory 8:30 p.m. curfew for citizens and has limited household visitors to one per day. Additionally, the Dutch have prevented all international travel until the start of April.

The harsh new restrictions have drawn the ire of a population that has grown tired of economic arrest and interpersonal isolation. Police have used water cannons and tear gas in an attempt to maintain order.

Dutch police say they have arrested more than 100 people and written citations for nearly 4,000 citizens.


Read the full story here: Fed up with COVID-19 lockdowns, Dutch citizens take to the streets | Disrn

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