Covid Vax Death Rate 21 Times Higher Than All Other Vaxxes!

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German site has compared the figures for adverse events of COVID mRNA vaccines with other vaccines. The results are nothing less than frightening

Citing the figures in the current safety report of Germany’s renowned Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) from December 23, 2021, found “frightening” results:

“In the last eleven months, four times as many suspected adverse reaction reports and four times as many deaths in absolute numbers were reported for COVID vaccines alone than in the last 20 years for the totality of all vaccines used in Germany.”

Using the PEI’s latest updated figures, a total of 123,347,849 doses of COVID mRNA vaccine had been administered in Germany up to November 30th, 2021. Correspondingly 196,974 adverse drug reactions (ADR) were reported, of which 1,919 were deaths.

Meanwhile during the period of 2000-2020, some 625,500,000 doses of all other vaccines were given, of which there were only 54,448 ADRs, of which 456 were deaths.

18 times more ADRs per million

When one compares the ADRs per million doses, there were 18 times more ADRs per million doses for COVID mRNA vaccines than for all the other vaccines:

Comparison of ADRs per million vaccine doses in Germany. Red = COVID mRNA vaccines up to November 30, 2021; blue = all other vaccines total 2000-2020. There’s an 18-fold more suspected cases with COVID vaccines compared to all other vaccines from 2000-2020. Chart:

Shocking ADR reports for deaths…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Covid Vax Death Rate 21 Times Higher Than All Other Vaxxes! | Principia Scientific Intl.

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