CANADA: Government Can Now Seize Your Property and Remove You From Your Home

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Patricia is the owner of a holistic wellness center in Calgary, Alberta, although she was once a registered nurse. As the government began responding to COVID19, Patricia questioned the laws our governments were proposing then decided she could no longer observe from afar. Patricia joins me to discuss the alarming steps our leaders are taking to keep us “safe”. During this interview we discuss what she has found in her quest for more information and what is being proclaimed about Covid19.

On Saskatchewan’s latest revisions to emergency health care orders…

[This] …document, it actually says you can take our livestock, not just the cows. That means anything and everything. That is an animal on a farm. He [Premier Moe] can blow it off all he wants and laugh it off and call us all conspiracy theorists, but the fact of the matter is this document has his signature on it.


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