Time to arrest covid tryants: Public officials are committing felony crimes

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Will there ever be any real accountability for all the suffering our leaders have imposed on ordinary people in the past two years? Yes. Absolutely. Read the word of God, and you’ll know this to be true.

Karen Kingston is back with us again. This time, she wants to offer our listeners her guide for making a criminal complaint against state and local politicians who are power-tripping by exploiting Covid-19 to issue illegal mandates against American citizens.

Title 18 of the United States Code, Sections 241 and 242 criminalize conspiracy against rights and the deprivation of rights under color of law. In order words, they make it a criminal offense for public officials to go beyond the limits of their authority to strip away the public’s rights. The law applies to police, judges, elected officials, and yes, public health officials as well as health care providers at public facilities.


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bryan moore
bryan moore
2 years ago

Hi its high time that we started to investigate and jail the following people for crimes against humanity,this list is just for starters. plenty more to follow.Dr Anthony Faucci USA,The head of the WHO Dr tedros, The entire management of the FDA and the CDC.PROF CHRIS WHITTY,UK Prof Patrick Vallance, UK Proff Nieal Furgeson UK, M P Matt Handcock, UK.The entire USA Biden government. the entire British government.the CEOS of all the main pharma companies along with thier top executives as i have stated ,this is just for more to follow.

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