MASSIVE Increase In Myocarditis & Pericarditis After Dose 2? New Bombshell Data From Ontario

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Massive increase in adverse events such as myocarditis and pericarditis in injection takers. But remember… they are safe and effective!

See full medRxiv report here: Epidemiology of myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA vaccines in Ontario, Canada

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Humanity is in trouble
Humanity is in trouble
2 years ago

And the fact that no one in authority, the media or the tech companies care is proof it’s intentional killing. If it wasn’t these people would be horrified not “mandating” it. They are marching you to your death while laughing at you. Why do you think they use stupid words like “omicron”? They’re calling you a moron to your face.

What I really cannot understand is why so many doctors are going along with this. How can people trained to save lives sit there silent while death mounts all around them? What’s wrong with these people? The medical community is grotesque.

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