Scientific evidence suggests the Covid Injections reprogram the innate Immune System

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Even though mass fatalities are associated with the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, the roll-out of this experimental treatment is still ongoing.It doesn’t matter that both Pfizer and the FDA knew there were 1,223 deaths from the Covid vaccine in the first three months of its roll-out, the emergency use authorization still continued.

It is not only unscientific, but it is also disingenuous and amoral to classify post vaccination fatalities as “unexplained deaths.” Pathologists and medical examiners have no choice but to investigate how these vaccines are killing certain people. Autopsies and pathological evidence show that covid vaccines induce cardiovascular damage, immune depletion and serious autoimmune conditions.

German pathologists present microscopic evidence that covid jabs cause “lymphocyte riot” – leading to organ failure

German pathology professors Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang held a press conference presenting ten autopsies of people who died shortly after taking Covid-19 vaccines.

The people in the study were all over the age of 50 and died at different intervals in the two weeks following their vaccination. After microscopically studying tissue samples of the deceased, the pathologists found something out of the ordinary, yet common among each sample.

The pathologists pinpoint the occurrence of a “lymphocyte riot” among the ten autopsied bodies. The pathologists found an obscene number of lymphocytes in several tissues, including the liver, kidneys, spleen, and the uterus. The lymphocytes aggressively attacked the tissue in these organs, causing organ damage.

This autoimmune nightmare is more than likely a life-threatening consequence of the Covid-19 vaccination. Burkhardt and two other pathologists confirmed that vaccines initiated this pathogenesis for five of the ten cases studied. In two of the cases, the vaccination was ruled a “probable” cause of death. One case is yet to be evaluated, and the other two deaths are “rather coincident” or “possibly” caused by the vaccine.

A German doctor, Professor Peter Schirmacher, investigated forty autopsies of people who died within two weeks of covid-19 vaccination. He showed microscopic details of severe tissue damage caused by the vaccines; he concluded that one third of the people died from the vaccination directly, either via cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases.

Covid Injections reprogram the innate and adaptive immune system, lowering interferon levels against future infections

Many of the deaths post-vaccination are not attributed back to the…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Scientific evidence suggests the Covid Vaccines reprogram the innate Immune System & cause lymphocytes to attack the body’s organs – The Expose

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