‘Imaginary’ Antifa Terrorists Attack Seattle & Portland, Smashed Up Dem HQ and Burned American & Biden Flags

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Source: ‘Imaginary’ Antifa Terrorists Attack Seattle & Portland, Smashed Up Dem HQ and Burned American & Biden Flags | MRCTV

Let’s not mince words, folks. The “myth” that is the far-left communists in the domestic terrorist group Antifa aren’t going away. They don’t just hate people who think right-of-center. They’re angry little people who are upset that the world doesn’t just give them everything they want and have a very small grasp on reality. Basically, they hate everyone that isn’t them.

Further evidence of that summation was Antifa’s actions in their typical stomping grounds — pun very much intended — of Portland and Seattle.

Antifa are such miserable human beings that after years of attacking supporters of former president Donald Trump, they’ve now set their sights on the administration that likes to pretend Antifa are nothing more than imaginary — the Biden administration.

In video posted to Twitter by New York Times correspondent Mike Baker, Antifa can be heard chanting “f**k Joe Biden” and even burning a Biden for President flag in the middle of a street.

Read the full story here

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