Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD discusses the issues with the Omicron and all other viruses and variants. There is no known scientific evidence that the Omicron virus even exists. They have no known scientific verification and zero scientific publications.
- No known attempt to isolate. Does not really exist.
- Discovered only by in silico genome sequencing.
- Clinical properties only studied by Computer modeling.
- There is no clinical test authorized, approved, or available for purchase for any variant.
- There are no scientific publications.
Andy Kaufman, M.D. is a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, forensic psychiatrist, and expert witness. He completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology. He has conducted and published original research and lectured, supervised, and mentored medical students, residents, and fellows in all psychiatric specialties. He has been qualified as an expert witness in local, state, and federal courts. He has held leadership positions in academic medicine and professional organizations. He ran a start-up company to develop a medical device he invented and patented.