Injection stakeholders have more or less captured every public health institution and medical university outlet in the world

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“The vaccine stakeholders have more or less captured every public health institution and medical university outlet in the world”

Nick Hudson proposes how we correct course and navigate this demolition of sense-making in the world.

We will be producing a short clip for QE every single day for the next month. A lot of this information you may already be aware of. But it’s intended for those around you who are not yet questioning, and are still somehow caught up in this harmful narrative.

So if this resonates, please watch and share this, and help plant a seed for those that may need to hear it.

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2 years ago

go to any doctor now and it’s clear they are reading a script. All lies and propaganda. God help anyone who gets sick in this environment. You’re being treated by psychopaths. Get yourself a Physicians desk reference and learn medical science. Stockpile antibiotics and anti-viral drugs and make sure you have basic medical supplies. Trust no one.

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