New variant hysteria comes from same institution that popularized lockdowns & previous COVID scares

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Imperial College yet again panics the masses.

What a small world we live in. The “Nu variant” scare you keep hearing about is coming from the same people and institutions that spawned the last COVID scare, and the one before that, and the one before that one, dating back all the way to the onset of COVID Mania.

The corporate press and world governments have produced an incredible amount of noise about a claimed new COVID variant, the “Nu” variant, which has been detected in South Africa and Botswana.

Just as with previous ruling class-fomented bouts of Hysteria-19, there is no statistical cause for alarm over this new strain, which is one of over 100,000 mutations of the coronavirus.

The “new strain” has hardly produced any lab confirmed cases, but a panicked narrative has already been seeded in the public. The U.K. in particular has driven the fear to new levels. The country has already added several African nations to its travel ban list, citing the new strain.

Similar to every other government-prescribed policy to fight a war on a virus, travel bans do not actually work to stop a virus, but they do successfully agitate the markets and masses into bouts of madness.

We’ve seen this movie before, and it ended with the largest power grab in world history. “It’s just a travel ban.” “It’s just two weeks to stop the spread.” “It’s just for non-essential workers.” “Just wear a mask. It will allow for society to reopen…

And it is not a coincidence that the U.K. is again the first mover on the “Nu strain” front.

The new variant hysteria originated at Imperial College UK, the home of a disgraced, corrupted academic modeling institution that proselytized lockdowns to the Western world. Throughout COVID Mania, Imperial has been the source of countless versions of “new strain” propaganda. The institution does not only participate in shoddy modeling. It both foments the insanity and demands a series of totalitarian measures to deal with their faulty narrative creations.

The new variant scare campaign originated earlier this week with a Twitter thread from Tom Peacock, a postdoc in his early 30s who is employed at Imperial College London. He set the gears in motion through his alarmist interpretation of the variant, describing the new strain as having a “really awful Spike mutation profile.”

The corporate media, world governments, and other institutions have regurgitated Peacock’s pandemic proclamations, setting off a new series of…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] New variant hysteria comes from same institution that popularized lockdowns & previous COVID scares – by Jordan Schachtel – The Dossier

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