GOP wages war on Christians: Republicans make transgenders protected class

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The current transgender frenzy we’re living through is one of the most insane moments in all human history. Human beings are born male and female. It’s the most obvious thing in the world. Every culture on earth knows this, from the Chinese to the Zulus to the Aztecs to the Australian aborigines.

But in America in 2021, we’ve somehow adopted a mystical religion that believes otherwise. It’s a religion that says there are no fundamental differences between men and women, but at the same time you can know deep inside you’re the “wrong” sex and need to change it via expensive surgery. It’s a religion that says that boys can simply take a few pills and then start competing against women in soccer or volleyball or weightlifting or boxing and it’s all fine and dandy. It’s a religion that shows you Rachel Levine standing there in a dress, and says “this is a woman, one of the most successful women in America, actually.”

In spite of the First Amendment, this religion is rapidly becoming the compulsory faith of American public life. Liberals are absolutely fighting to create a world where it will be illegal to “misgender” someone, where you can be fined for using the “wrong pronouns” to describe one of these medical monstrosities. They will demand that all of society pretend that mentally ill men are women, and mentally troubled teen girls are men. Two thousand years ago, Christians were ordered to make sacrifices to the emperor. Many died when they refused. Today, believing Christians will be ordered to swear allegiance to the god of transgenderism.

But when you try to fight back against this tyranny, don’t expect Republicans to stand by you. Einstein supposedly said that two things in the universe were infinite: The universe and human stupidity, and he wasn’t sure about the universe.

Well, if Einstein were around today, he’d say there are three infinite things: The universe, human stupidity, and Republican willingness to betray their voters.

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