Booster Shots For Everyone! FDA Authorizes a Third Shot For All Adults

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The Food and Drug Administration has authorized booster shots for everyone! All adults who have already gotten two shots should line up, obey the master’s commands, and get the third dose. Anyone who thinks it stops here at three shots is delusional.

Previously only people ages 65 years and older, or those at higher risk of infection, had been eligible to receive the booster shots. “This emergency use authorization comes at a critical time as we enter the winter months and face increasing COVID-19 case counts and hospitalizations across the country,” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said on Friday.

This is just one more movement of the goalposts. These shots are going to be required repeatedly going forward and that has always been the goal. They have actually already told us as much. You will be expected to comply.

If you choose to not comply, there will be “punishments.” They are not going to make your basic fundamental right to be free easy to obtain.

for adults who had received their initial immunization at least two months before. According to Yahoo News, there’s no downside to getting a third shot. Ted Ross, an infectious diseases expert at the University of Georgia in Athens said the government bought so many doses so long ago that many will go to waste if they aren’t used soon, Ross who got a booster shot himself.

Has anyone else noticed that there’s a shortage of literally everything right now, but oddly enough, there are plenty of supplies available to inject the world? Billions of syringes, needles, and goo for every human on earth are readily available, but there are empty shelves at the grocery store. Odd how the supply chain shortages affect everything except these shots.

We live in the strangest of times.  Nothing these sociopaths do makes sense anymore when even the smallest level of logical critical thinking is applied. And yet, there are still people who believe there are some who have the right to rule them, and they are obligated to obey. We need to evolve past needing a master and being slaves. Until we realize no one has a higher claim over our life and property than we do, we will be treated like submissive slaves.

Article Source: Booster Shots For Everyone! FDA Authorizes a Third Shot For All Adults

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