Ex-FBI agents: Dems to tear America down so they can “build back better”

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In order to “Build Back Better,” you need to tear it down. According to four retired FBI agents, that is precisely what Joe Biden and the American Marxist cabal are in the process of doing.

In a four-hour symposium conducted on Nov. 14, four retired FBI agents discussed what they believe, as many of us do, that there is currently a Marxist revolution underway in the United States. Look no further than conservative Mark Levin, whose book American Marxism will run away as the number one book of 2021 and which has sold over 1.2 million copies. Clearly, a good number of Americans agree with these agents.

According to retired agent Terry Turchie, who spent 29 years in the FBI and who authored the book, In Their Own Words: The Democratic Party’s Push for a Communist America, part of the reason such an ideology is moving forward is because few in politics are willing to call it what it is.

“It’s time we made our voices heard,” he said. “There was a day when they warned in Congress about the perils of communism. You don’t see that anymore. And we are concerned about that.”

Turchie appeared along with three other retired agents—Cecil Moses, David Baldovin and Brian Shephard.

“We’re not from the Democratic Party, the Biden campaign or even the Republican Party, Turchie said. “We are speaking from experience…we saw firsthand what is going on because we were following people and heard what they were saying and heard from counter-intelligence informants so we know what they’re up to.”

Turchie noted the strategy being put forth by communists inside the U.S. is much different than what was done in either the old Soviet Union or Cuba. In those two countries, revolution took the form of violence, where in the U.S., it is more of a silent revolution, involving the infiltration of the U.S. government, schools, and major institution, more of a long-term strategy of undermining American culture.

“People will laugh at that. Certain people will say we’re all from the McCarthy era,” he said, noting that’s just a deflection tactic. “We don’t have to back away from that because in fact McCarthy [former Sen. Joseph McCarthy] was right.”

Turchie pushed those who were attending the symposium—either in person or online—to take what they shared and pass it on to their friends, which he said was the only way most Americans will be able to learn about what is going on and how this ideology is infiltrating the country.

In fact, Turchie said the indoctrination goes down as far as…

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