Fear-Mongering Fauci Issued a COVID “Surge” Warning

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The ruling class is refusing to let this hoax scamdemic end because not enough have taken the mandatory injections required for the rest of their global slave system agenda to prevail. In fact, Dr. Annthony Fauci is now warning us that there will be another COVID “surge.”

When Fauci asked if another scamdemic “surge” was coming, he said that it depends on how many take the experimental gene therapy shots. They have previously told us that until all human beings submit to this medical procedure, the scamdemic will continue and they will keep punishing the slaves. However, once we all get the shots, our slavery will be permanent, because they have let it be known that these shots are intrinsically tied to their plans for permanent and inescapable slavery of every human being alive and any that will be born in the future.

Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated

“And the answer to that question is that depends entirely on what we do, because it is within our grasp to prevent that from happening one, get the 62 million people who have not yet gotten vaccinated, who are eligible to be vaccinated, get them vaccinated to now that we have the ability and the go-ahead to vaccinate the 28 million children from five to 11, get them vaccinated. And three, if you are eligible for a booster shot, then get you a booster shot. Because if you were vaccinated six or more months ago, your immunity is naturally beginning to wane. And you want to optimize your immunity. You want to optimize your protection, and you can do that with a booster because we know that when you boost someone who has been fully vaccinated, they have an extraordinarily good, robust increase in their protection….So we’re vulnerable to get a surge unless we get more people vaccinated.”

COVID-19 Jabs Have “Real-World” Immunity of MINUS 73%, Meaning People Are LOSING IMMUNITY

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“They pulled back a little bit on their vaccination push, and that’s when you get a surge,” Fauci said. The entire interview was basically a commercial for the COVID-19 shots that we know don’t work to prevent transmission, hospitalization, or death, which is what they initially claimed.

We know now what they are doing. We know that this shot is a necessary part of making this slave state permanent. We also know that they are beginning to fear us and they know many people are beginning to figure it out. Hang in there. The light of freedom is becoming visible at the end of this tunnel. Stay prepared, alert, and free, folks! We have a real opportunity to crash this slave system and make sure we do not comply to any other system that has anyone wielding power over anyone else. We can abolish slavery from this planet for good!

Article Source: Fear-Mongering Fauci Issued a COVID “Surge” Warning

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