HERE’S THE LIST of 27 States (Including 3 Dem-Led States) Suing To STOP Vax Mandate

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Only moments ago, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) tweeted: “Biden’s vaccine mandate is illegal, unconstitutional, unscientific, immoral, and hurtful,” adding, “But there’s another big reason it should be nullified immediately: More than half of the states oppose it already.”

Business Insider is reporting that more than half of the United States of America states are suing to stop Joe Biden’s authoritarian regime over their COVID jab mandate.

“This mandate is unconstitutional, unlawful, and unwise,” said a filing by a coalition of 11 states.

Business Insider – More than half of the states have cosigned four petitions, amounting to perhaps the most sweeping legal challenge to pandemic-era safety requirements since Biden took office. Three Democrat-led states are among the 26.

The lawsuits, filed in four federal appeals courts, take aim at Biden’s requirement that all companies with more than 100 employees mandate COVID-19 vaccines for their staff, or implement weekly testing.

The states said in the filing that Biden’s mandate “will cause injuries and hardship to working families, inflict economic disruption and staffing shortages on the states and private employers, and impose even greater strains on struggling labor markets and supply chains.”

Biden’s mandate, which would affect about two of every three private-sector workers, was officially rolled out on Thursday. It is set to take effect on January 4.

The lawsuits argue that the federal government doesn’t have the constitutional authority to put a vaccine mandate in place. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also lacks the statutory authority to enforce it, they say. The issue should be left to states to decide, they argue.

Here is a list of 27 states (so far) that are suing:

  1. Kansas
  2. Missouri
  3. Arizona
  4. Nebraska
  5. Montana
  6. Arkansas
  7. Iowa
  8. North Dakota
  9. South Dakota
  10. Alaska
  11. New Hampshire
  12. Wyoming
  13. Kentucky
  14. Idaho
  15. Kansas
  16. Ohio
  17. Oklahoma
  18. Tennessee
  19. West Virginia
  20. Texas
  21. Louisiana
  22. South Carolina
  23. Utah
  24. Mississippi
  25. Georgia
  26. Alabama
  27. Florida

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