Smallpox as next Bioterrorism Attacks? What Does Bill Gates Know?

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Smallpox was a deadly disease. It was eliminated completely a long time back. But this does not mean that there is no danger of this infection anymore.

The last naturally occurring smallpox infection was in 1977 and since then, no case of smallpox has been identified. But many countries have restored live cultures of the smallpox virus for making biological weapons or vaccines to protect lives from biological weapons. Many countries have held back live cultures of the virus which leaves the door open for a dangerous repeat outbreak of this infection. Accidentally or deliberately, the infection can resurface at nearly any time.

Read more here on Causes and Symptoms of Smallpox

Let’s Connect Some Dots:

Over the years of Bill Gates’s involvement in the vaccine industry, you will find he has ominously said this over and over regarding the resurgence of smallpox. This article is not meant to promote fear, but it is important to pay attention to what this man seems to be warning us about. With awareness, and also taking care of our immune system and our health, we can prepare for potential scenarios.

In 2017, Microsoft founder Bill Gates raised the alarm over a growing threat from bioterrorism, warning that it could cause tens of millions of deaths. These are all quotes from Gates:

“Terrorists could wipe out 30 million people by weaponizing a disease such as smallpox, which could be worse than that of a nuclear attack.

“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus… or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu.”

“Getting ready for a global pandemic is every bit as important as nuclear deterrence and avoiding a climate catastrophe.”

“Innovation, cooperation and careful planning can dramatically mitigate the risks presented by each of these threats.”

 “This includes germ games and other preparedness exercises, so we can better understand how diseases will spread, how people will respond in a panic, and how to deal with things like overloaded highways and communications systems.”

“Fears terrorists could recreate diseases like smallbox to create havoc.”

“Warns fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million in a year.”

“Worse than a nuclear attack.”

Read more from 2017:


Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Source: Smallpox as next Bioterrorism Attacks? What Does Bill Gates Know? – Vaxxter

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