Like clockwork, most vaccinated Americans will lose immune function by Christmas

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(Natural News) The elephant in the room with covid vaccines is not merely that they are erasing the immune systems of those who take the jabs, but that the destruction of immune function will lead to an unprecedented acceleration in cancer tumor growth that will overwhelm the medical system and kill tens of millions over the next decade.

The vaccine holocaust, it seems, is going to be felt as a “cancer tsunami” that will somehow be blamed on everything else except vaccines.

From 1999 – 2019, cancer death rates plunged from 200 per 100,000 population to 146 per 100,000 population. (Source: For all of 2019, there were almost 600,000 cancer deaths reported in the United States. The CDC has not yet published data for 2020.

Data from 2021 will be published in 2023, and data from 2022 will be published in 2024 if it maintains the same schedule.

Prediction: 2022 cancer fatalities will explode above one million fatalities, and cancer death rates will stay elevated for the next decade, all due to covid vaccines that began in 2021. However, we won’t see these data until 2024.

The decade of cancer deaths is now “baked in” and cannot be stopped

With over 191 million Americans now double vaccinated — and over 220 million single-jabbed — the countdown has started on what will one day be seen as the greatest medical atrocity ever committed against humankind. Importantly, this cannot be stopped. In fact, Big Pharma and criminal cartel leader Anthony Fauci — Josef Mengele 2.0 — don’t want it to stop. A wave of cancer represents the last phase of the medical looting of America… reaping obscene profits from chemotherapy and cancer surgeries while tens of millions of Americans are killed off by the depopulation vaccine weapon system.

By the end of 2031, tens of millions of Americans will be seriously impaired by cancer, if not already dead from it. And those who escape the ravages of cancer will, of course, be subjected to accelerated deaths from heart attacks, strokes and blood clots thanks to the never-ending sequence of “booster shots” that will be required by the criminal pharma cartels that dictate government policies and media propaganda.

In Idaho, Dr. Ryan Cole, a diagnostics lab owner, is already reporting a 2000% increase in cancers among those who took the vaccines. “Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20-times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” Cole stated in the video. “I’m not exaggerating at all because I look at my numbers year over year, and I’m like ‘Gosh, I’ve never seen this many endometrial cancers before.’”

Watch Dr. Ryan Cole explain all this in his own words via this Brighteon video:

“Boosting” immunity won’t work because there’s nothing left to boost…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Source: THE VACCINE-CANCER ATROCITY: Like clockwork, most vaccinated Americans will lose immune function by Christmas and start growing accelerated CANCER tumors that will kill them over the next ten years –

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