Why are you awake when so many aren’t?

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Those in control desperately want us all vaxxed as soon as possible. Why is this? And why are you awake to the agenda, while so many choose to be asleep? There are five major points awake people understand that asleep people do not. Here they are.


Video Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/umQfFungwPii/

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2 years ago

First off, stop calling it a “vaccine”, it is not. A vaccine is legally required to confer immunity. Big Pharma and the powers that be openly admit no immunity to anything is provided. Second we need to face the reality that there is no “virus”, it’s mass hysteria. Third take a look at who owns the patents. Pfizer patent owned by Fauci. Gates owns patent to Luciferase as well as the patent to HR666 a digital currency involving the human body. Once everyone is fake jabbed with this AI/nanobot/biosensor they will crash the world economy to make all currency worthless. Then you will have to obey your globalist masters to get your digital coins and be able the eat. So many people are asleep because they believe the media. They don’t understand that the media is owned by globalists. It’s all bull. The other reason they are asleep is that are in a cult and afraid to see the truth because the cult might turn on them. They have no courage. Humans are pack animals. We follow the leaders. It takes major courage to stand up against the pack and history is not kind to such people. Look what they did to Jesus.

2 years ago

IF there is no virus, then what are or were people dying of early in the piece? The vaccines hadn’t arrived yet.

And if the world economy crashes, why would currencies be worthless?
That never happend in th epast with prior recessions or depressions.

Please explain the mechanism that will make currencies worthless.
Are you talking hyper inflation? If so why?

Why not just introduce digital coins as par tof mainstream?
Offer a 5 % incentiv eto exchange cash for digital.

Why make it all so dramatic?

You say Fauci owns the Pfizer COVID vaccine? How much doe she receive then per $20 sale? $1? Wouldn’t that mean he is now extremely wealthy? Why would he bother staying as a government employee?

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