Lawmakers Call For Arrest, Prosecution of Fauci Over Claims He Lied to Congress

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A growing chorus of mostly Republican lawmakers are calling for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be charged with lying to Congress following statements he made during sworn testimony regarding the funding of risky “gain-of-function” research in China.

“He should be prosecuted here,” Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News. “If he was notified, our committee did a year-long investigation. We talked about it on your show back in May, we put out an official report. So he was clearly on notice then.”

“Then, after that, he went where?” Nunes noted further. “He went to the United States Senate, and not once but, I believe, twice under questioning by Senator Rand Paul. He said it didn’t happen, and that’s simply not true.”

“And I don’t think his e-mails, when you go back and look at the time, show that he wouldn’t know something about this either. So he’s long been on notice, he knows this, and now the question is, is will The Department of Justice do anything about it,” he said.

Fauci has repeatedly denied under oath that his agency funded gain of research involving coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, though the National Institutes of Health admitted last week that in fact, the agency has funded such research.

Richard Grenell, the acting director of national intelligence under then-President Donald Trump, agreed with Nunes, saying that he has been “unequivocal in denying this.”

“Look, we heard Dr. Fauci say simply I don’t know how many times I can say it,” Grenell said. “I think we should take him up on this and we should count how many times he said it, because this isn’t just once or twice or three times. He has been unequivocal in denying this. This is a real problem. He not only doubled down, tripled down, but he promised that unequivocally this wasn’t even close, it wasn’t a spin.”

“And I think that his total deception is what takes place in Washington D.C.,” he noted further. “Look, those of us on the outside of Washington, we look at this clown show and we say how is this…

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