Massachusetts Set to Lose 50% of Their Correction Officers by Sunday due to Vaxx Mandate with Prison System “Pushed into Chaos”

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Cheryl Fiandaca of WBZ CBS Boston reported today that more than 1,500 correctional officers in Massachusetts, about 50% of the state’s “highly trained correction officers,” are scheduled to be fired on Sunday, October 17th, for failing to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination status.

Governor Charlie Baker has reportedly activated 250 National Guard troops to help staff potential shortages at the state prisons.

Fiandaca interviewed Kevin Flanagan, the legislative liaison for the Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union, who stated:

“With all due respect to the men and women of the National Guard, we have highly trained correction officers who have worked throughout the pandemic for 18 months and to now say 50 percent would be terminated it’s not right, it’s not fair.”

Corey Scadifi, the executive secretary for the Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union, stated that the union was filing a complaint in federal court over the vaccination mandates.

“We don’t want to see militarization of our prisons, we don’t want to see 1,500 of our members fired. We don’t think that the state is prepared for the impacts that this is going to have inside the prison system.”

Senator Jamie Eldridge was also interviewed for the CBS I-Team report.

Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) sits on the public safety committee and is very involved with prison reform. Eldridge says it is pretty scary putting the military into prisons.

“It could be for many, many months and that’s very concerning,” said Eldridge. “Correction officers play such a critical role ensuring there is safety in our prisons.”

Potentially losing half of all correction officers working in state prisons is a concern for Eldridge.

“Correction officers again playing that critical role, really need to rethink, for a lot of them, their resistance to getting vaccinated,” Eldridge said. “And that’s the only solution to get out of what is approaching to be a crisis in Massachusetts.”

Wrong, Senator! It is NOT the “only” solution, and the BEST solution for the State of Massachusetts is to stop mandating a medical product that people do not want and is known to kill and injure many people with little to no medical benefit, since the hospitals are now filled with “breakthrough” cases.

Watch Cheryl Fiandaca’s report.

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Massachusetts Set to Lose 50% of Their Correction Officers by Sunday due to Vaxx Mandate with Prison System “Pushed into Chaos” – Vaccine Impact

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