Information Doctors Have Died For with Dr. Carrie Madej

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Dr. Madej is a highly credentialed doctor who has been literally had to flee the country for her life. She is back now with a vengeance and shows us what is in the vaccines! She takes us under her microscope to show us what is really go on from hydrogel to computer chips.

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2 years ago

If there is any future for humanity Dr. Carrie will go down in history as a Hero. It’s amazing that her video from a year ago told people exactly what this is really about yet 99% of the public chooses to line up like dumb farm animals. It’s really hard to feel sorry for people who are willfully stupid. Anyone could educate themselves by simply doing a few searches. How can you drive out of your way to go to Whole Foods so you don’t have to eat GMO produce but you will happily let people that hate you turn you into a GMO for evil reasons? I really don’t get what’s wrong with people. Does it ever occur to people to ask why illegals are Exempt? Because they are your replacement when the jab kills you.

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