Mozilla says ‘deplatforming’ Trump Isn’t Enough

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Article Source: Mozilla says ‘deplatforming’ Trump isn’t enough… Trump banned from EMAILING his supporters… Facebook and Instagram are blocking president trump from using their services indefinitely – Investment Watch


Mozilla says ‘deplatforming’ Trump isn’t enough, wants to
shield internet from ‘bad actors’ as users uninstall Firefox
in disgust

Mozilla, developer of the Firefox internet browser, has argued that more must be done to keep Donald Trump and other “bad actors” out of cyberspace, prompting many to vow to never use the group’s services again.

In a blog post titled ‘We need more than deplatforming’, the open-source software community said that Twitter’s decision to permanently ban Trump from its platform didn’t go far enough in weeding out “hate” on the internet. While blaming Trump for the “siege and take-over” of the US Capitol on January 6, the non-profit tech group argued that “white supremacy is about more than any one personality.”

“We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done.Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than just the temporary silencing or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms,” Mozilla wrote.

The group proposed a number of measures to help protect the internet from verboten views. Internet ads should list who paid for them, how much they are paying, and who is being targeted, Mozilla said. There should also be “meaningful transparency” of platform algorithms so that people can examine what kind of content is being promoted.

Trump banned from EMAILING his supporters

The Trump campaign is now blocked from emailing their millions of supporters after being suspended by their email service provider.

The suspension comes shortly after President Donald Trump and his campaign were permanently banned from Twitter.

The email service, Campaign Monitor, confirmed the suspension of the account to Financial Times’ Dave Lee.

The Nationalist Review reports “the move effectively cuts off communication between his team and his core supporters. What is not clear however, is what other services have banned his team. The Trump campaign sends out a massive amount of emails—33 in January so far. But, it has been 48 hours since the campaign has reached out to its supporters via email, prompting most journalists to speculate that other providers have shut off access as well.”

Words To America From Mark Zuckerberg

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Tucker Carlson reveals that CNN is trying to force Fox News OFF the air by pressuring cable carriers to drop it
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson revealed during his Friday night show that CNN had allegedly made attempts to take the network of the air. An enraged Carlson taunted CNN by stating that Fox would be around for a ‘long, long time’ with ‘enemies like this’

Carlson also responded to an article from CNN’s Oliver Darcy in which he questioned why cable carriers continue to distribute Fox. Darcy branded Fox’s reporting irresponsible and dangerous. ‘A TV network demanding that media conglomerates ban its competitors,’ Carlson ranted in his clapback.

In the segment, Carlson also launched into an extended skit casting CNN’s president Jeff Zucker as Mini-Me and correspondent Brian Stelter as Dr. Evil


Trump warned you.


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