PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission

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By Dr. Ariyana Love: Front line doctors and medical experts dropped a bombshell in late April, revealing matters of national security for all nation states. Transmission between the covid vaxxed and unvaxxed is causing Adverse Reactions in people who did not take the injection. Experts revealed that transmission is happening at a rapid rate and without skin to skin contact.

Covid shots are not vaccines but experimental bioweapons and this is the expert consensus. This is not viral shedding as we first thought, it’s transmission. The cells of the vaxxed are now producing the synthetic spike protein from the pathogen they were injected with. This is clearly gain-of-function weaponry. It was also unanimous consensus of the experts that the vaxxed should be quarantined because transmission is believed to be airborne.

Thanksmto Dr. Judy Mikovits for releasing the ANTIDOTE to the spike protein contagion.

“Suramin” is the antidote to the bioweapons and transmission. You can obtain enough from pine needle tea (pine, spruce, cedar and fir)- Video: 57 seconds.

The antidote is called Suramin. Suramin is a pharmaceutical drug derived from Pine needles. Suramin is a synthetic drug which can be injected into your body but like any drug it can have side effects and must be used appropriately.

Dr. Mikovitz reveals that you can ingest enough of the spike protein antidote from Pine needle tea which offers an inhibitory effect against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA.

This Covid-19 spike protein is coagulating the blood and causing blood clots, mini-clots, brain embolisms (strokes), heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms (lung), unusually heavy menstrual cycles, uterus shedding and heavy bruising. These are all things front-line doctors have described seeing in transmission cases.

Pine needle tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants known to man and it’s a super food. You can pluck it right off the tree and eat the tips. Dr. Mikovitz explains that the spike protein antidote is contained within Pine, Spruce, Fir and Cedar. Pine needle oil is known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress, depression, pain, respiratory infections like pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19. Pine needle tea also kills parasites.

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Possible Antidote for the V-Serum and the Current Spike Protein Contagion

Dr. Judy Mikovits (1 min. MP4 is attached) has revealed that the medical establishment has known all along about the antidote to the contagion – a contagion that is now being seen today by thousands of people who have not taken the serum, but have merely come in close proximity with others who have taken the jab.

(The word “serum” is being used here since, evidently, the way to avoid taking the jab is to say “I am allergic to the serum”.)

When the medical establishment and political promoters want to exempt themselves from taking inoculations, they always give themselves a legal way out, while pushing the “citizenry” to take the jabs.

“I am allergic to the serum” is one of their solutions.

Taking the serum is one thing. The spike protein contagion now being experienced in large numbers by those who did not take the serum, but just visited with a relative or friend who did, is entirely new and unprecedented.

What are the side effects being seen by this contagion? 

  • massive headaches
  • micro-clots and sudden bruising throughout the body
  • exceptionally heavy menstrual cycles among both the young and post menopausal
  • miscarriages
  • reduction in breast milk
  • sterility among both women and men
  • household pets dying shortly after the owners get the serum.

Listen to 5 doctors discuss this unusual onset of symptoms being experienced now by thousands:
URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It

The Antidote to the Contagion

This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin, an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil.

It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this “pandemic”, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds, along with a large number of other conditions.

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission – Rights and Freedoms

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