Do you live near a FEMA concentration camp? FEMA has authority to SUSPEND LAWS and put you in one…

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(Natural News) Most Americans really have no idea the power that FEMA wields; they mostly think it’s just some government rescue-type workers that help out after hurricanes, earthquakes and floods happen. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is actually a covert government with far more power than any other agency in this country. Did you know FEMA can seize people, detain them without a warrant, deny them phone calls to lawyers or loved ones, take their home, food and vehicles, with no trial or judges even involved at all? FEMA can temporarily freeze the Constitution.

If there were a nuclear war, or an EMP attack, or say, a (media-hyped) pandemic, FEMA can function by circumventing Congressional authority and stuff to capacity their 800 prison camps around the United States, some of which are currently fully-staffed, heavily guarded and holding prisoners. Most of these concentration camps consist of several fortified structures, barbed wire fencing, and can hold a population of 20,000 prisoners.

From old airports and prisons, to military bases, WWII Japanese detention camps, and railroad facilities, most of these Nazi-style camps are fully operational right now and ready to take in prisoners. What kind of prisoners you ask? Those who will not take the Covid vaccines.

Should Martial Law be implemented in the Democrat-run metropolitan cities, all it would take is for Resident Biden and the Attorney General to sign a warrant with every person’s name on it who has not yet been vaccinated for Covid, and voila, a Civil War. FEMA created these camps under the Rex 84 Program, designed in case of a “mass exodus” of Mexicans crossing over all at once, then the US government could toss them all in FEMA prisons, but that is not what FEMA is preparing for right now, obviously (with the Biden open-borders forever program).

Operation Garden Plot (population control) and Operation Cable Splicer (feds take over state and local governments) listed in FEMA concentration camp plan

Under Presidential Executive Orders Resident Biden, with the stroke of his pen, can initiate the federal takeover and provide the legal framework for a Marxist takeover of major areas of each US state, functioning as the executive arm of the police state, while the CDC (whatever Fauci says) functions as the executive arm of the pharma state. One hand washes the other. The two ‘sub-programs’ of FEMA under the Rex 84 Program strategically function with transportation hubs, where most of these Covid concentration camps have railroads (and major roads) leading to and from them.

The FEMA concentration camp just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska is a massive mental health facility that can house…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Do you live near a FEMA concentration camp? FEMA has authority to SUSPEND LAWS and put you in one of their COVID isolation camps located across the United States –

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