Media smear campaign against ivermectin timed to clear market for Pfizer’s new ivermectin-like clone drug, which will be hailed as a “miracle”

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(Natural News) If you are wondering why ivermectin has dominated the mainstream news cycle recently, the answer is Pfizer, which is right now trying to pirate the drug in an attempt to create a new “blockbuster” cash cow.

On Monday, the pharmaceutical giant announced to the world that it is launching an “accelerated” Phase 2/3 trial for a “new” covid prophylactic pill that strangely enough sounds like ivermectin under a new name.

Pfizer says that its “new” drug for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) will act as a “potent protease inhibitor.” It just so happens that ivermectin does the exact same thing, which is why some are now jokingly calling this “new” drug “Pfizermectin.”

This is not to say that whatever drug ends up being commercially released by Pfizer will be exactly the same as ivermectin, just to be clear. Chances are it will be tweaked and tinkered with to be less effective than real ivermectin because the powers that be do not want people to actually stay protected against and heal from covid.

No, they would rather hijack certain elements from real ivermectin and use them to create a new, proprietary (patented) “medicine” that will likely cost orders of magnitude more than the real thing, generating a massive new profit stream for Pfizer.

Ivermectin, it is important to note, has already saved millions of lives in India, Brazil and elsewhere where it is available to the public. Since ivermectin is hard to come by in North America, very few people have been able to benefit from its use.

Why do Americans keep letting Big Pharma pull these kinds of stunts?

Some suspect that the new Pfizer drug, called “PF-07321332,” really is just ivermectin repackaged. The plan, they say, is to jack up the

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Article Source: Media smear campaign against ivermectin timed to clear market for Pfizer’s new ivermectin-like clone drug, which will be hailed as a “miracle” –

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