V’s causing cancer… and they knew it!

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Dr. Judy Mikovits explains how they knew the vaxxes would cause cancer. The study led in 1990’s told them exactly what would happen if they used these vaxxes. And Fauci knew it too.



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3 years ago

I am embarrassed and ashamed of my fellow citizens. They are lining up like dumb farm animals for this even though all this information is on the web. It’s like some form of mass stupidity. The weird thing is though that it’s the college educated who are the most ignorant. People I speak to who didn’t even finish high school are wise to what’s going on but when you try to inform the “educated” you just get a blank stare or a parrot regurgitating MSM talking points. It’s like they have been abducted into a religious cult. Reminds me of the Jim Jones cult from the 70’s. 1000 people lined up for the poison Kool aide. the 1000th person saw 999 die but still took it anyway. SMGDH.

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