Oregon Doc Loses License for Not Wearing a Mask, Spreading Misinformation

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Well, for all you people out there that still think this is about your health… here you go! Of course this is from a demoncrat blue state, so… what do you expect!

An Oregon physician has lost his license because he refused to wear a mask while treating patients and because he spread misinformation about masking, according to an Oregon Medical Board order.

In the 25-page order signed September 2, the board revoked the license of Steven Arthur LaTulippe, MD, a family doctor who had practiced in Dallas, Oregon, and specialized in pain and addiction medicine.

LaTulippe regularly told his patients that masks are ineffective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and referred his patients to a YouTube video that said masks are ineffective, according to the order. He also regularly advised patients that masks were dangerous to their health, the order stated.

The Oregon board’s revocation was also based on investigations that found LaTulippe mismanaged numerous patients he had been treating for pain or opioid addiction.

“Licensee’s COVID-19 screening protocols did not include taking temperatures on all patients who presented at the clinic,” and did not include asking patients if they had been in close contact with any person who had COVID-19 symptoms or who had tested positive, the order states.

Instead, “licensee had trained his receptionist ‘to look at [the patient] and just take a look at them and see if they look sick,’ and, if the patient was ‘smiling and happy,’ the receptionist was instructed to ask how the patient was feeling.”

If the patient reported they felt fine and were not ill, the patient was directed to the waiting area until LaTulippe’s wife, who worked in the practice with him and also did not wear a mask, led the patient to the exam room.

The Oregon board’s order said that LaTulippe “did not…

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