The Only Way to Save Our Country is to Fight For It! | The Liberty Loft

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Article Source: The Only Way to Save Our Country is to Fight For It! | The Liberty Loft

Charlotte, NC — Over the weekend, news outlets reported that 11 Senate Republicans will stand up and oppose the Electoral College results on Wednesday. Led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx), the group says that they want the establishment of an Electoral Commission to look into election results.

Their statement comes after Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo) also said he would challenge the election results on January 6. These moves come after reports of Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned Republicans against challenging the election results, turning his back on President Trump and election integrity altogether. It leaves the Republican Senate sharply divided over what will happen on Wednesday.

CNN reports that as many as 140 Republicans in the House of Representatives are expected to vote against counting the electoral votes. With the division in the Republican party over what to do, it looks like Wednesday could be a show.

The question now becomes what do we expect to happen on Wednesday? Do we expect that the challenges to the Electoral College votes will get anywhere?

If you listen to the mainstream media, they will tell you no. They will tell you that there is no chance that any of these challenges go anywhere. They will tell you that it’s a done deal and that Pence will certify the vote.

It appears that many Republicans believe the same. In the letter from the 11 Senate Republicans, they also admitted that their challenge seems futile. Some of those said it was simply a form of a protest vote that they were casting.

It does not matter what they say, this is so much more than just a protest vote. This is much more than a simple challenge. This is a fight to save our country from the socialists who are out to destroy it.

Read the full story here: The Only Way to Save Our Country is to Fight For It! | The Liberty Loft


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