Congress and all judges EXEMPT from mandatory Covid vaccination Executive Order because they know the clot shots are deadly

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(Natural News) Resident Biden has signed an Executive Order that requires all federal executive branch workers to be vaccinated, except the House, Senate, himself, and all judges. The elitists enforcing everything Covid keep saying they can’t make anyone take the jabs, but you’re fired from your government job if you don’t, and they’re not taking them because they cause massive heart strain (myocarditis) and blood clotting in your blood vessels and organs. Only stupid peons get the clot shots, not people who are trying to rob the country for all its worth, destroy all medical choice, and dismantle the constitution. The elite exempt themselves from the deadly, dirty Covid clot shots (they take saline jabs for show).

The demented Left wants all American conservatives and natural health advocates to join the dementia bandwagon, and get the clot shots that destroy your heart and brain, sometimes overnight. It’s not happening. Vaccination for Covid has come to a screeching halt, and that’s why the CCP/Biden Regime has resorted to forcing federal employees, military members and every employee at every corporation to succumb, or else.

The Biden Regime and the Leftist judges have been cozying up to the VIC, the vaccine industrial complex, since before they stole the election. This dates back. So it should come as no surprise that the Executive Order for clot shots excludes them. The only jabs they’re taking “on TV” or for some shilling CNN press video are saline shots. Surely Congress would never allow the President to sling vaccines on all government workers and forget to exempt them.

Not in a million years would Nancy Pelosi take a clot shot — which makes her a “Super-Spreader”

In America, right now, the demented leader has ordered, by Executive Order, that every federal employee, contractor and private employer (with over 100 employees) MANDATE VACCINES, but not Congress, their entire staff, or any federal judges. Wait, what? But, Covid? That means Congress, Biden and Pelosi could be the ultimate super-spreaders, causing the whole world to die (by their logic), just to be elitists who’s vaccination status is “a matter of privacy” (that’s Nancy Pelosi’s response when asked).

The Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration is behind this all the way, and plans to issue an “Emergency Temporary Standard” of forced vaccination for all employees. Temporary? Where have we heard that before?

Failure  to comply results in a…

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