Major law firm confirms FDA deceived America with its ‘approval’ of Pfizer vax

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When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Aug. 23 it had granted full approval to the first Covid “vaccine” under the brand name Comirnaty, the mainstream media immediately ran with the narrative.

Joe Biden jumped in front of a microphone and told businesses they needed to “step up” the mandating of vaccines for their employees.

Dr. Anthony Fauci told national media outlets he expected a whole host of new “mandates” to be fueled by the “approval” of the Pfizer jab.

There’s only one problem. The “approval” given by the FDA was not for the Pfizer jab currently available in the U.S. market.

The devil is always in the details. Some of us weren’t fooled.

See our article, which has over the past three days received nearly 150,000 reads: FDA ‘playing bait and switch’ with Americans, tricking them into believing shots currently being offered have been granted full approval when they have not.

But because we and a few others looked beneath the façade and checked the facts of what the FDA actually did and not what the media and Joe Biden’s administration said it did, we took some heat. Even some of our own subscribers questioned whether maybe we got it wrong.

No, it was the corporate media who got the story wrong. And as a result, thousands of Americans no doubt capitulated and went ahead and rolled up theirs sleeves, thinking they had no other choice legally than to succumb to their employers’ mandates.

Today, on Aug. 27, the Orlando, Florida-based Liberty Counsel, perhaps the most respected Christian legal firm in the nation, issued a press release that confirms our story.

Below is the release, published in full from Liberty Counsel.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has done a bait and switch by…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Major law firm confirms FDA deceived America with its ‘approval’ of Pfizer vax | Principia Scientific Intl.

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