The Evidence Collection – 25 Sources Detailing Widespread Election Fraud – Investment Watch

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Just move along now, nothing to see here. As the demoncrats would have you believe, there is no evidence of 2020 election voter fraud. Nope, nothing here. Well, just look at all the evidence in this article from Investment Watch I ran across.

Pretty darn impressive evidence to me. What do you think ?

Article Source: The Evidence Collection – 25 Sources Detailing Widespread Election Fraud – Investment Watch


by axolotl_peyotl

  1. Navarro Report: The Immaculate Deception – Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities – 12/18/20
  2. Analysis of 3,000 U.S. counties shows Joe Biden received 5.6 % more votes in counties using Dominion Voting Systems (Video) – 12/17/20
  3. Antrim Michigan Dominion Voting Systems Forensics Report – 12/13/20
  4. Evidence Grows: ’20 Election Was Rigged – 11/24/20
  5. Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman’s Summary of Testimony from the December 3, 2020 Hearing – 12/17/20
  6. Five States and the Election Irregularities and Issues – 12/8/20
  7. Voter Integrity Project: Findings and Conclusions (Video) – 11/24/20
  8. The Legitimacy and Effect of Private Funding in Federal and State Electoral Processes – 12/16/20
  9. Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020 – 11/24/20
  10. Explosive: New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA – 11/21/20
  11. 2020 Election: An analysis of voting data from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – 11/26/20
  12. Sidney Powell’s Team Binder – 12/26/20
  13. Election Night Errors – How did that happen? (Video) – 12/12/20
  14. A Close Look at the Data – Arizona (Video) – 12/17/20
  15. Georgia – A Close Look at the Data and Events – Chapter 1 (Video) – 12/25/20
  16. r/DonaldTrump‘s Report on Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic – 12/24/20
  17. A (Fairly) Complete List of the Most Significant Claims of 2020 Election Miscounts, Errors, or Fraud – 12/20/20
  18. Skeptical of Voter Fraud in 2020? Here’s Your Evidence – 11/20/20
  19. 2020 Election Investigation: Who is Stealing America? (Video) – 12/14/20
  20. A Crowdsourcing Tool Aggregating Publicly Available Items of Evidence
  21. Joe Cheated: Here’s Proof
  22. A List of Video Evidence, Evidence Hearings, Court Cases, and Additional Resources
  23. A Video Collection of 2020 Election Fraud – 11/6/20
  24. 5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms – 11/23/20
  25. The Plot to Steal America (Video) – 12/7/20

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