Things that 2020 has Taught Us About Our Country

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Article Source: Things that 2020 has taught us about our country | The Liberty Loft

Charlotte, NC — There’s no denying it, 2020 has been one crazy year. We started the year having just learned about the coronavirus from Wuhan, China. We finished the year with nearly everyone so scared of the virus that they are willing to stay in their homes.

While most of 2020 has revolved around the coronavirus, there are some key things that I believe we have learned about our country. Things that some may have never expected, while others saw them coming.

Let’s start with the obvious. I do not think that anyone really expected that Americans would so quickly lay aside their freedoms for a little safety. In 1755, Ben Franklin is credited with the statement that shares the idea that those who are willing to give up their liberty for a little safety deserve neither. Governors across the country have forced their people into submission through ridiculous shutdowns that have done little to control the spread of the coronavirus.

We have seen small businesses and Americans across the country suffer at the hands of these shutdowns. While the elitists continue to live their lives as if nothing happened. While it sparked some backlash from Americans, the orders remained in place, and many have just accepted them and moved on.

We have seen a year in which significant evidence of mainstream media manipulation has been presented. We have seen the evidence released to show that, yes, the Russian collusion story was a complete hoax. We learned that it was fabricated by the DNC, coordinated by the FBI, and used to impeach Trump by the House. Millions of Americans joined the fight to call to impeach President Trump on charges that were a complete hoax…

Read full story here: Things that 2020 has taught us about our country | The Liberty Loft

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