Australia: 24,000 children will be herded like sheep into a stadium to get the experimental injection

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This is what’s happening right now in Australia folks, so WAKE UP, it will be here before you know it!

NEW – 24,000 children will be inoculated with DNA manipulating gene therapy injection in a stadium in Australia next week against its parents will. No parents will be allowed access. This could be the beginning of a civil war in Australia.

Brad Hazzard the Minister for Health and Medical Research has now told parents in a press conference that 24,000 children will be herded like sheep into a stadium to get the experimental Covid-19 vaccine, and parents will not allowed to be present.


Full story on this can be seen here: Australia has fallen – Minister for Health tells parents 24,000 children will be herded into stadium like cattle to get the experimental Covid-19 vaccine




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