Top 10 BIGGEST LIES about Covid-19

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(Natural News) Covid is a group of symptoms, not a disease, according to one of the world’s leading virus experts, Dr. Judy Mikovitz. When you test “positive” for Covid, you’re really just testing positive for common colds, flu viruses and pathogens from previous vaccines. When most people run a high fever, their body is actually fighting off bacteria from the Covid masks they wear all day and the pathogens that were injected with the Covid inoculations.

The entire pandemic is based on false pretenses and fabricated statistics, so we must look at the biggest lies that were concocted, like a synthetic virus in a lab, and then spread around with propaganda, like a TV “breaking news” pandemic update.

Anyone wearing a mask who got a flu shot this summer is literally growing the pandemic because they will be sick and test “positive” for Covid, and also be convinced they had Covid. Then when they quarantine, social distance and continue to mask up, they will be weakening themselves while exacerbating whatever cold or flu they have even more so.

Therefore, the vaccines start the wave of sickness, the PCR tests show almost everyone positive for vaccine-induced sickness, and the masks and lockdowns fuel the viruses and bacteria even more. It’s a vicious cycle and everyone thinks we’re in the middle of a worldwide pandemic caused by a virus, when it’s really caused by the Covid vaccines and promoted by false-positive PCR testing.

Which of these TEN most popular Covid lies do you still believe?

LIE #1. Covid is still contagious when you’re asymptomatic.

LIE #2. PCR tests tell you whether or not you have or had Covid-19 (or Delta).

LIE #3. Vaccines usually prevent you from catching Covid, or make it a mild case if you do.

LIE #4. Covid-19 vaccines help with immunity against variants, like Delta and Lambda.

LIE #5. A lab can test for Covid-19 and prove in court if you had it (like forensic DNA).

LIE #6. Covid vaccines are safe, even for pregnant women.

LIE #7. Vaccine immunity is stronger than natural immunity.

LIE #8. Without vaccines, you’re at high risk of catching and dying from Covid.

LIE #9. Vaccines provide better immunity for Covid than vitamin D, zinc and Ivermectin.

LIE #10. Masks, social distancing and lockdowns have helped “flatten the curve.”

The 160 million Americans who got Covid vaccinated have a new inflammatory disease driving their “pre-existing” inflammatory diseases.

Healthy people can fix this “pandemic” by NOT…

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