Amy Barrett – US Supreme Court Supports Toxic Mass-Jabbing

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On Thursday, the US High Court breached the Nuremberg Code voluntary consent mandate on all things health related — the US Constitution as well on this issue under its Supremacy Clause.

It opposed the “constitutional right to bodily integrity, autonomy, and of medical treatment choice in the context of (an unconstitutional flu/covid jabbing) mandate” — what Indiana Univ. (IU) students asked the court to ban.

Like hundreds of other US colleges and universities, IU requires “students, faculty and staff (to be) fully (jabbed for flu/covid) or have an approved exemption before returning to campus.”

Ignored is that jabs have nothing to do with protecting health from seasonal flu-renamed covid.

They have everything to do with advancing state-sponsored tyranny and depopulation on an unparalleled scale.

IU, my own alma mater, and hundreds of other US colleges and universities support medical tyranny.

Their mandates made higher education at their institutions hazardous to health by requiring everyone on campus to be jabbed with experimental, high-risk jabs designed to irreversibly harm what’s too precious to lose when taken as directed.

What’s happening in the US/West and elsewhere resembles a silver screen horror film — that’s real-life, not fiction.

On Thursday, right-wing ideologue justice Amy Barrett sided with IU and Pharma — without involving other justices to weigh in on this most cutting-edge issue of our time.

Her refusal to address this issue followed two lower court rulings for IU and Pharma against…

Read full story here: US Supreme Court Supports Toxic Mass-Jabbing – Stephen Lendman

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