Every woman of child-bearing age should read this warning on the Covid vaccines

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AN insight into the propaganda currently putting our world at risk of a Covid vaccine disaster was provided by a BBC News report yesterday, dismissing fears that the vaccines could harm fertility or cause miscarriages.


The report especially criticizes Dr Mike Yeadon, the former Pfizer senior researcher who last week reiterated his concerns about particular risks from the vaccines to women of child-bearing age.

As so often in these acrimonious arguments, some of the report’s targets are ‘Aunt Sallies’ drawn from the internet. People who cannot believe their governments could be so foolhardy as to medicate millions with an experimental product post angry and often exaggerated claims.

Yesterday’s BBC ‘reality check’, however, begins by mentioning a relevant Japanese study that has caused several leading researchers (see herehere and here) much concern.  So let’s fact-check the BBC fact-checker.

Most governments, in line with World Health Organization guidance, have not required manufacturers to show what happens to their vaccine once injected into the body. Japan appears to have been unique in requiring such a ‘biodistribution’ study, performed mainly on rats.

Under the heading ‘A study shows the vaccine accumulating in the ovaries – False’, the BBC report claims:

Read full story here: Every woman of child-bearing age should read this warning on the Covid vaccines | The Conservative Woman

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