Did Fauci knowingly fast-track approval of drug with deadly COVID-like side effects?

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(LifeSiteNews) – Anthony Fauci must have known that the experimental drug remdesivir had been shelved in 2018 because of its high death rate and serious side-effects when he fast-tracked it as the “standard of care” treatment for COVID-19 early in the pandemic, according to reports cited by a Texas chiropractor.

Remdesivir was one of four drugs in a clinical trial for Ebola in 2018 and was dropped from the study before it was over, after a safety review revealed that it had the highest death rate of the drugs being tested, Bryan Ardis said in a videotaped interview by an international legal group that is investigating human rights violations by governments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ebola clinical trial was sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), of which Fauci is director. As one of then-President Trump’s chief medical advisers on COVID-19, he must have known that remdesivir had a 50% death rate, compared to 35% of two other drugs in the trial – and that serious side-effects, including at least one death, led to the drug being pulled and research on it abandoned.

“Did Anthony Fauci know about remdesivir’s death rate? Oh, you better believe it. And now he was going to push this on the masses,” Ardis told the Corona Investigative Committee, organized by German-American lawyer Reiner Fuellmich who specializes in the prosecution of fraudulent global corporations.

Ardis said that Fauci cited only the Ebola trial and a study from remdesivir’s manufacturer, Gilead Sciences Inc., on just 53 COVID-19 patients, when he chose it as the leading contender to fight the pandemic virus.

Gilead’s “cohort study” conducted for “compassionate use” on patients with COVID-19 was only 28 days long. It reported that of 61 patients treated with the drug, eight were excluded for missing information,  32 (60%) of 53 remaining patients reported adverse events including increased liver enzymes, diarrhea, rash, and kidney function impairment. Twelve patients (23%) had “serious” adverse events including multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension (low blood pressure).

Side-effects or symptoms? 

Read full story here: Did Fauci knowingly fast-track approval of drug with deadly COVID-like side effects? – LifeSite

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