Fully-Vaxxed Gibraltar Sees 2500 PERCENT SPIKE in COVID-19 Cases Per Day, Initiates New Lockdowns

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The nation of Gibraltar, which achieved a 99 percent vaccine compliance rate as of June 1, is now seeing an astounding spike in cases.

The number of COVID cases per day have increased by an astounding 2500 percent since June 1, in the latest bit of evidence that the vaccine regime is not all itโ€™s cracked up to be.

As a result of the failure of the COVID-19 vaccine, Gibraltar is undergoing another lockdown of sorts, which is affecting public life for all of the countrymen who bought the Big Pharma propaganda and lined up for the shots.

The Gibraltar Ministry of Culture and the Office of Civil Contingencies has cancelled all large scale events until at least September due to the outbreak. They are also urging all private facilities to implement restrictions as well.

โ€œThe Government calls on private bars, restaurants and nightclubs to be cautious in the events that they hold, to strictly control numbers and to ensure that clients are vaccinated and have a negative COVID-19 test result,โ€ the government wrote in their announcement of the restrictions.

โ€œAt this point in time the Government is not considering introducing legislation to control catering establishments and nightclubs, but this is of course a possibility should cases continue to rise regardless,โ€ they continued.


Gibraltar is another example that the COVID-19 experimental vaccine regime is faltering, but the globalists will never admit their mistakes. The fear propaganda will continue without regards for the truth.

Read full story here: Fully-Vaxxed Gibraltar Sees 2500 PERCENT SPIKE in COVID-19 Cases Per Day, Initiates New Lockdowns โ€“ Big League Politics

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