Infections in vaccinated people in UK are outpacing infections in the unvaccinated

The Zoe COVID Study, led by epidemiologist Tim Spector, M.D., of Kings College in London, estimated that there were 17,581 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID-19 in unvaccinated people, or 22% less than the previous week’s total of 22,638 new cases. According to a press release issued by the study’s authors, “With cases in the vaccinated group continuing to rise, the number of new cases in the vaccinated population is set to overtake the unvaccinated in the coming days.”

On July 17, the UK’s Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, announced he had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus despite having received two doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford University’s experimental AZD1222 COVID vaccine on Mar. 17 and May 16.

In a message posted on Twitter, Javid wrote:

“This morning I tested positive for COVID. I’m waiting for my PCR result, but thankfully I have had my jabs and symptoms are mild.”

With a population of more than 66 million people, two-thirds of adults in the UK. have received COVID-19 vaccine, representing a total of 82,592,996 vaccinations as of July 20. Some 46,349,709 Britons have received the first dose and 36,243,287 have gotten the second dose. The country is not vaccinating children.

The U.K. is among the most highly vaccinated countries in the world, but it is experiencing a third wave of coronavirus infections reportedly largely due to the spread of the Delta variant of the virus. Other highly vaccinated countries like Israel are also experiencing a new wave of coronavirus infections due to the Delta variant.

Most infections in Israel are among vaccinated people..

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