Thai government approves green chiretta herb as treatment for covid

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(Natural News) There is good news to report out of Thailand after the government there officially approved the use of Fah Talai Jone (Andrographis paniculate), also known as chiretta herb, to treat the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The National News Bureau of Thailand says that Thailand’s Cabinet gave the green light to green chiretta to treat “asymptomatic cases” of the Fauci Flu following a successful trial of the herbal remedy in the country’s prison system.

Deputy government spokesperson Ratchada Thanadirek announced that adding the herbal remedy to the arsenal of treatment options for the Chinese Virus will help to greatly relieve pressure on the public health system amid reports about 14,000 new cases of the virus daily.

Infected prison inmates have responded exceptionally well to green chiretta, she says, as the herb prevents symptoms from forming while blocking the virus from entering the cells, thus preventing viral replication.

The Corrections Department reportedly administered green chiretta to 11,800 inmates throughout the country who demonstrated “mild” symptoms. A whopping 99.02 percent of them fully recovered after taking it.

Thanadirek further stated that Thailand’s Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation is now recommending that Wuhan Flu patients with mild symptoms take 180mg of Fah Talai Jone, divided into three 60mg doses per day, with every meal.

Thai governments says other traditional herbal medicine should be used to keep people healthy…

Read full story here: Thai government approves green chiretta herb as treatment for covid –

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