How the Plague of Corruption Is Killing Mankind

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  • The scientific discoveries made by Judy Mikovits and Frank Ruscetti showed the blood supply and vaccines have been tainted with disease-causing retroviruses for more than three decades, and the U.S. government has been hiding it the entire time
  • The leading cause of death among child-bearing women in the world is HIV/AIDS. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which primarily affects women, is basically AIDS without the HIV but with XMRVs and other co-infections like borrelia, babesia, mycoplasma and mold. It’s an acquired endocannabinoid immune dysfunction, and can be traced back to contaminated vaccines, biologicals and blood products that have been used for decades
  • According to Mikovits, SARS-CoV-2 is a cloned virus manufactured in a monkey cell line and it is therefore a monkey virus. It’s the result of a bat coronavirus being grown in a Vero monkey kidney cell line known to be contaminated with retroviruses including XMRVs
  • Mikovits believes “long-haul COVID” is the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activating endogenous HERVW and recombining with XMRVs, — introduced via vaccinations. Similar recombination occurs with monkey SIVS in HIV-infected individuals
  • Those most susceptible to dying from the COVID shots are those who are already coinfected with XMRV, HIV, Borrelia, Babesia and other pathogens commonly acquired from contaminated viral vaccines

In this interview, Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., Frank Ruscetti, Ph.D., and Kent Heckenlively, a lawyer and science teacher, discuss “Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption,” which they co-wrote.

This is the third book in a trilogy that began with “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases” and “Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science.”

The first two were co-written by Mikovits and Heckenlively. The inspiration for the third book came from Ruscetti, who has been Mikovits’ mentor and professional collaborator for 38 years. As indicated in the subtitle, we won’t be able to end these plagues of scientific and academic corruption unless or until scholars and scientists honor their professional obligations and responsibilities.

“That’s the point of the book, and we wouldn’t have this mess if people like Tony [Anthony] Fauci and Bob [Robert] Gallo didn’t get away with this thin playbook for things like Ebola, Zika and the autism epidemic, all the way back to HIV/AIDS,” Mikovits says.

Selling Out Public Health for Profit…

Read the full story hereHow the Plague of Corruption Is Killing Mankind

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