The Various Lies About the Delta Variant Set the Stage for Draconian Vaccine Mandates

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The Delta Variant of Covid-19 is a lie. No, I’m not suggesting it doesn’t exist. It’s real, and it’s just as dangerous as the previous variants of Covid-19. That means unless you’re elderly or have major preexisting conditions that make you extremely vulnerable to pulmonary infections of any sort, the Delta Variant has a 99.97% recovery rate. Depending on the study du jour, some will say it’s more transmissible but less deadly than the other variants.


Why, then, is it be propped up as another existential threat to humanity that requires totalitarianism and other radical measures to fight? Our readers likely already know the answer or can extrapolate it from the headline. This is all about the fear necessary to compel the masses to self-suppress their rights, accept whatever “guidance” is given to them by government, and pressure their friends, family, and even strangers to get injected.

Who is behind it all? We’ll give them the generic classification of “Globalists” since the endgame seems to point to either domination or population control. Either way, it’s the global elite who stand to benefit. It’s the global elite who are pulling the strings and calling the shots.

The narratives surrounding the Delta Variant are so widespread they’re often contradictory. Today, two separate studies were released. One showed single doses of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are worthless against the Delta Variant while another says the same vaccines are wonder drugs that make the Delta Variant cringe at the prospects of having to face them. Which is it? Again, narrative is everything and as odd as it sounds, both “studies” play to the agenda of the globalists depending on which they need to cite at any given point. According to Daily Caller:

Two recently-released studies examine the efficacy of single coronavirus vaccine doses against the delta variant showed vastly disparate outcomes.

The first, a Canadian pre-print study posted on medRxiv earlier this month, concluded that a single dose of the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines provide “good to excellent protection” against the delta variant of coronavirus. But a single dose of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines was shown to have relatively low efficacy combating the variant, according to a U.K. study published this week in The New England Journal of Medicine.

“Effectiveness was notably lower after the first vaccine dose among persons with the delta variant,” the U.K. study stated.

The study found that a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine was…  

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