Yesterday afternoon, the CDC issued a new guidance stating that children who are fully “vaccinated” do not have to wear masks when schools reopen this fall. This latest policy decision has nothing to do with science and protecting kids, it’s a blatant and malicious attempt to browbeat parents to have their sons and daughters injected with experimental boosters that are causing debilitating conditions like myocarditis and led to the deaths of nine children ranging from 12-17 years old last week alone.

Two weeks ago, the World Health Organization published a bulletin strongly advised that children should not get “vaccinated” for Covid-19 due to the lack of evidence that mRNA and adenovirus shots are safe and effective for adolescents and young adults only to rescind it out of political considerations.

Yesterday, the CDC went one step further in the duplicity department as they doubled down on the mass-“vaccination” agenda. After deploying psychological manipulation that drew on the lessons gleaned by Dr. Stanley’s experiments to get 48.2% of the American population “vaccinated”, they are now gunning for our children with the ferocity of a rabid pit bull.

Joe Biden and his ilk are attempting to drive up the “vaccination” rate—which has stalled because too many refuse to become lab rats in this ongoing pharmaceutical experiment by injecting themselves with “vaccines” that are undergoing clinical trials until at least 2023—by weaponizing masks and…

Read full story here: Weaponizing Masks To Force Children Into Taking Gene Therapy Shots