How Will COVID Jab Affect Military Readiness – Physicians for Civil Defense

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Until now, the COVID inoculation has been voluntary for military personnel, and one-third to one-half have been refusing it.

By federal law, products available only under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) cannot be mandated. But according to a leaked document, HQDA EXORD 225-21, COVID-19 Steady State, reportedly obtained by the Army Times, all members will be required to take the shots, starting as early as Sept 1. Presumably, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will grant approval soon, even though studies are not scheduled to be complete until the end of 2022.

According to Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), military members have told him they will “quit” rather than take the jab, although it isn’t clear how the service members could quit or how many would try to do so.

Aside from morale problems, and potential recruitment difficulties, there are direct effects of the vaccination, notes Physicians for Civil Defense. Adverse effects, especially with the second shot, occur in 70 percent of recipients. These are often disabling enough to prevent work, at least for several days. “We have never seen this before with a vaccine,” stated Professor Didier Raoult.

Post-injection inflammation of the heart muscle…

Read the full story here: How Will COVID Jab Affect Military Readiness – Physicians for Civil Defense

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