Concerned Citizen Calls Pennsylvania School Board Snowflake Fascists For CRT Censorship

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In Pennsbury School District in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the school board has been censoring public comments by citizens opposed to critical race theory.

“You snowflakes apparently have a bigger problem with public comment. It seems to me that you think you can supersede the United States Constitution. I’ve got news for you school board president Benito Mussolini. Your power does not supersede that of the US Constitution and the first amendment rights of the citizens of this great nation. Lets be very very clear who has the power.”

He then cites the 1964 U.S. Supreme Court decision in New York Times v. Sullivan:

This nation is founded on the “profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.”

“That’s constitutional case law in this nation. I don’t have to be nice to you. Nobody behind me has to be nice to you. If you don’t like living in the United States of America then you go move to Russia, Cuba, or China. This is the First Amendment.”

The Pennsbury School Board is not allowed to enact a policy that supersedes a higher law and there is no higher law than the United States Constitution. These government officials at Pennsbury, with their critical race theory agenda, mistakenly believe that all power in inherent in the Government. They are wrong as a matter of law. In the United States of America all power in inherent in the People.

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