Delta variant of the coronavirus will be the new excuse for tyrannical health measures

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(Natural News) A number of governments have warned about the rapidly spreading Delta variant of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Because of its spread, authorities have warned that the biggest wave of the pandemic is yet to come. These same authorities are implementing measures that curtail people’s freedoms – such as lockdowns and mask mandates – under the guise of keeping the Delta variant at bay.

The “Delta variant” may actually be a euphemism for people who are harmed by covid vaccines. By blaming a “variant” instead of the vaccine, the covid vaccine mythology narrative can be perpetuated until global depopulation goals are achieved.

According to the now-discredited “science” establishment, the Delta or B16172 variant first detected in India is described as a sub-strain of the original B1617 variant that initially circulated there. It possessed three notable mutations that set it apart from earlier strains. The E484Q mutation allowed it to escape immunity from vaccines or earlier infection. The L452R mutation enabled it to become 20 percent more transmissible, while the P681R mutation contributed to its increased infectiousness.

A report by the Times of India (TOI) said the Delta variant even mutated further in some instances, becoming the Delta plus or AY1 strain. This strain possessed the K417N mutation at the virus’s spike protein, which enables it to enter and infect human cells. The TOI report added that the AY1 variant showed resistance to monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19.

Author Michael Snyder wrote in his blog that the Delta variant is “wreaking havoc” in different countries worldwide. It caused new COVID-19 cases in the U.K. to rise by 109 percent in a week’s time. Of these new cases, the Delta variant accounted for 91 percent. Because of this, the British government has considered extending lockdown restrictions by another month, the Daily Mail reported.

The same report added that a study by Public Health England (PHE) found that 29 percent of the 42 fatalities caused by the new strain were fully vaccinated against the disease. The PHE study only reignited fears of another outbreak, as cases and deaths there were on a downtrend. Many Britons also called for lifting the unnecessary lockdowns.

Variants of concern such as the Delta strain will serve as basis for new lockdowns…

Read the full story here: Delta variant of the coronavirus will be the new excuse for tyrannical health measures –

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