A massive surge in COVID vaccine deaths

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A month ago, Tucker Carlson raised concerns over the unusual number of deaths associated with the COVID vaccines.  Prominent “fact-checkers” immediately scrambled to discredit these concerns as “misleading” and “lacking in context.”  FactCheck.org even went on to say, “it’s wrong to suggest that reported deaths in the VAERS System database were all caused by vaccines,” but Tucker Carlson never made this claim.

The news site Revolver provided context with a graph that showed an astonishing 3,000% spike in vaccine-related deaths.  Unfortunately, the article did not provide a link to the source, and the “Open VAERS” website is cumbersome to navigate.  Fortunately, the U.K.-based Daily Exposé provided a direct link to the CDC’s interactive website, so I am forever in its debt.  I was so impressed with the website that I prepared a three-minute instructional video.  Share this video with your doctor.

Based on the CDC’s data, reports of vaccine-related deaths and permanent disabilities have gone up 3,300% and 850% in 2021 (Graph 1).  This is even higher than the spike that Revolver posted ten days prior to my query.  We are currently only halfway through 2021, so this disparity may double by December.

Read the full story here

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