The Most Troubling Thing About the Fauci Emails that Few are Mentioning

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With multiple releases of email tranches to and from Dr. Anthony Fauci, we’re learning definitively a wealth of insights into the thinking of government agencies, the White House, and healthcare professionals during the first few months of the Wuhan Flu pandemic. Some of the things we’re learning are merely confirmations of what many already believed. Others are bombshell revelations that shine a light on how self-serving and manipulative Fauci really is.

But through it all, there’s a common theme that continues to get ignored. So much was apparently known by Fauci and many others in and out of DC, yet we’re only learning about it all today and only because of the leaks. How is it possible that nobody spoke out before now?

There are two answers to this. The first, smaller answer is that the few people who tried to speak out were quickly silenced. There was a concerted effort to keep a lid on “gain-of-function research,” for example, especially as it pertained to U.S. government agencies working with the Wuhan Virology Lab. Silence on such topics was implied to the hundreds if not thousands who were fully aware of our government’s complicity and those who didn’t catch onto the implications were quickly told what not to say.

The second answer is far more nefarious. The degree of misinformation and disinformation out there, particularly in the first few months, was so vast that keeping it successfully under wraps would have required a coordinated Herculean effort. It should have been impossible with the sheer number of people “in the know” on such things, yet here we are over a year later finding bombshells that are far too numerous to list. Here’s just a sample of important information that was successfully suppressed:

Those are four of literally dozens of bombshell revelations we’ve learned in the past couple of days. Some will say, “But we knew these things” from reports on whatever small conservative news sites were willing to publish them, but the wholesale truth was kept away from the vast majority of Americans. Mainstream media is obviously to blame in part. Most stories got ignored. Some of the stories that went against the prescribed narrative were intentionally covered up, such as the truth about asymptomatic spread. The most egregious displays of disinformation pertained to treatments with mainstream journalists on both sides of the political aisle panning Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Remember when a prominent Fox News host, Neil Cavuto, declared that HCQ would literally kill people?

Read the full story here: Source: The Most Troubling Thing About the Fauci Emails that Few are Mentioning

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