Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Signs Law Banning Curbside Voting

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Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed two laws on Wednesday for a “free, fair, and highly ethical” election process; one for revising the process of updating voter addresses and another to ban curbside voting.

“Our freedom of speech is rooted in our ability to vote, and a strong election process is what sets our democracy apart from every other country in the world,” Ivey said in a statement. “I appreciate the bipartisan efforts of Rep. Allen and Rep. Scott to ensure Alabama’s election process remains free, fair, and highly ethical.”

Both laws take effect immediately.

Democratic State Representative Roderick Scott introduced House Bill 314 (pdf), which revises the process of updating voter address changes in a bid to improve the maintenance of voter roll integrity.

Republican Representative Wes Allen introduced House Bill 285 (pdf), which bans drive-through or curbside voting.

Proponents of curbside voting claim that the method expands voter access, especially for the elderly or disabled. Opponents argue that it opens doors to voter fraud.

Read full story here: Source: Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Signs Law Banning Curbside Voting


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