“The agency [CDC] has lost all credibility,” Dr. Marty Makary, Fox News medical contributor and professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, said. “They have been consistently delinquent, misrepresenting COVID risk levels. The public sees through the CDC’s flawed guidance on schools, travel and summer camps that use the guise of science. That’s why 52% of Americans no longer trust the CDC.”

Dr. Brett Giroir, the former White House Coronavirus Task Force testing czar and former Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) assistant secretary, said the confusion surrounding the CDC’s new guidance is a result of “awful communication and planning around the guidance” as well as a “terrible choice of words.”

“The real message is: If you are vaccinated, and not in a special group like the immunosuppressed, it is safe for you and for others around you for you to be without a mask indoors,” Giroir said. “But, if you are in areas of significant disease or in a high risk circumstance and you are not vaccinated, it is still safer to wear a mask than not to wear one.”

Read full story here: Source: Lawmakers call for Fauci resignation or firing ‘immediately’ amid COVID flip-flops